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WoW: Bletonism

20 January, 2025

BLETONISM - the alleged ability to locate underground water reserves [Reputedly from a Frenchman (named Bleton) who practised this art] Bent coathanger or none, a water divniner (or dowser) claims to possess the power of bletonism

WoW: Incidentaloma

13 January, 2025

INCIDENTALOMA - medical serendipity, where a lesion perhaps is discovered in the course of seeing a doctor for an unrelated reason. [Neologism blending incidental with oncological suffix -oma] Say you see you GP due to a swooping magpie's gash, only for you doctor to find a separate lump wanting scrutiny.

WoW: Flumen

6 January, 2025

FLUMEN - a homeowner's right to direct excess rain water to neighbour's yard. [From Latin, literally stream] Pity the council wonks responsible for determining what amount of water qualifies as an 'excess' to enable flumen to apply. 

WoW: Okta

16 December, 2024

OKTA - one eighth of the sky, used as a measure of cloudiness. [From Greek, eight] Thick clouds may occupy six to seven oktas, if not the last okta too.

WoW: Chinampa

25 November, 2024

CHINAMPA -  a floating artifical island in a shallow lake, typically in Central America, where crops can be grown. [Borrowed from Nahuatl chināmitl “cane fence” + pan (“on”).] An intriguing precedent of hydroponics, the chinampa avoided any call for irrigation

WoW: Parget

18 November, 2024

PARGET [par-DZHAY] - plaster-gypsum mix; to cover with stucco. [From French parjeter - to throw about, via Latin jeter - to throw] Ornamental fireplaces may boast the rustic roughcast form of a parget coat. 

WoW: Rocambolesque

11 November, 2024

ROCAMBOLESQUE - fabulous; implausible [Derived from Rocambole, the adventurous hero of French author's Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail's series, 1857-70] Should you know an enterprising orphan of ample derring-do, then feel free to call them rocambolesque.

WoW: Touch grass

4 November, 2024

TOUCH GRASS - to spend time off-line in order to reconnect with nature; to observe a digital detox [Gen-Z slang, akin to 'smell the roses'] As chronic webizens, everyone should devote an hour, if not a week, to touch grass. 

WoW: Blivet

28 October, 2024

BLIVET - an unspecified doodad; anything overfull; program with a messy source code; geologist's hammer; tank containing refrigerant [Slang term emerging from US soldiers in WW2 - derivation unknown.] Aptly, this week's set of multiple meanings qualifies this WoW box as a blivet.

WoW: Ullage

21 October, 2024

ULLAGE - space within a wine bottle from liquid to cork, or screwtop. [From French, ullier - to fill a cask partway, via Old French, oel - or eye.] Bar patrons pay premium prices to reduce the ullage in their house-wine orders. 

WoW: Maneki-Neko

14 October, 2024

MANEKI-NEKO - feline icon of Japanese culture, beckoning onlookers in order to bestow good fortune. [Lit. 'beckoning cat'] Next time you meet such a talisman, try saying "maneki-neko" rather than the mundane ''lucky cat" to ensure good fortune. 

WoW: Bellowser

7 October, 2024

BELLOWSER - a punch to the stomach; transportation [to Australia's penal colony] for a life sentence [Early 1800s UK slang, both senses 'taking the wind from' the recipient] The worst of the worst British felons would cop a bellowser for their troubles.

WoW: Cioppino

30 September, 2024

CIOPPINO [CHOP-pin-oh] - rich US-Italian stew combining fish, shellfish and tomato [From Ligurian dialect, ciuppin - torn to pieces.] Traditional taverns of Genoa would often serve cioppino to sailors and port workers. 

WoW: Sycee

23 September, 2024

SYCEE - silver ingot, often slipper in shape, used a medium of exchange in feudal China. [From Cantonese, saì sz - fine silk. So called as the silver could be rendered into threads  of silken fineness.] Inflation in ancient China saw a sampan skyrocket from one sycee to three.

WoW: Fridgescaping

16 September, 2024

FRIDGESCAPING - arranging your fridge's contents in a visually pleasing manner; selecitng certain foods to enhance the inner decor. [Neologism] A jar of pinkish kimchi beside a bright wedge of cheddar is Fridgescaping 101.

WoW: Ayahuasca

9 September, 2024

AYAHUASCA [eye-ah-WAH-ska] - a mind-altering infusions from a South American vine, used in rituals or therapy [Borrowed from Quechua 'ayawaska', where aya means spirit - or ancestor - plus waska: vine] Fittingly, the taking of ayahuasca is cautioned on Trip Advisor

WoW: Grammelot

2 September, 2024

GRAMMELOT - a mock-language used in street theatre or comedy, akin to the 'logical' gibberish of Pingu or The Line. [From French grommeler, to grumble] Carlo Bononi, the  vocal talent behind La Linea - or The Line - modified Milanese dialect to create the character's grammelot. 

WoW: Corvee

26 August, 2024

CORVEE [COW-vay] - a day of unpaid labour, as owed by a serf to his feudal lord; any period of forced labour [From Old French, from Late Latin corrogāta contribution, linked to corrogāre to collect, via rogāre to ask] Under-quoting a freelance gig may entail a corvee or complete the task.

WoW: Face journey

19 August, 2024

FACE JOURNEY - emotional transition of a person's face across the one moment, or event. [New slang entered into OED, June 2024] A bride's expressions throughout a wedding album can provide the complete face journey.

WoW: Dwile flonking

12 August, 2024

DWILE FLONKING - a preposterous pub-sport in which teams take turns to dance while dodging dwile (soaked beermat) thrown by their opponents [Possibly from Dutch dweil - floorcloth - plus English flong, an old past tense of fling.] Dwile flonking, first cited in 1966, seems the "real-ale alternative" to dodgeball. 

Rewording The Brain

Focus & memory, lateral leaps & logic - every aspect of cognitive health is lit in Rewording The Brain, a book revelling in how puzzles boost your brain. Part 2 equips your brain to conquer any twisty clue, plus the wild crossword finale. Pop science meets neural gameplay, Rewording is rewarding, and out now.


Rewording The Brain

Care to renew your noodle? Rewording The Brain explores the latest neural studies, seeing how puzzles (and twisty clues) boost your neurons. Part 2 helps you crack such clues, and prep the grey matter for the crossword showcase to finish. More here

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101 Weird Words (and 3 Fakes)

From Ambidextrous to Zugwang, this mini-dictionary teems with rare or alluring words, plus bonus riddles, puzzles and fun word-facts. Dictionary detective will also nab the collection's three fakes. Ideal for late primary schoolers, or word-nuts in general.

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Gargantuan Book of Words

Sneeze words. Fake pasta. Viking slang. Gargantuan is a jumbo jumble of puzzles & games, mazes & quizzes, tailor-made for that wordy wonderkid in your life. Or anyone in love with letters, secret codes, puns, rhymes, emoji & all things languagey. More here 

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Riddledom Rave

If you missed my riddle chat with Richard Fidler, then feel free to slurp the podcast at http://ab.co/1I9t1x5

Text-speak is creeping into Scrabble. Where do you sit?
OBVS I'm fine with it
Entrenched stuff - like LOL and OMG - but no more.
Words With Friends, maybe. Scrabble, no
Let the 'real' dictionaries decide first
Just the handy stuff, like FAQ and EUW
I mean, WTF?! No way
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