Email DA
Wish to reach David with a puzzling, composing or speaking request?
Have a general verbal query? (Please, no direct Q&A about the latest DA crossword – that’s why the cyber-gods invented the DA Trippers site.)
Keen to respond to the Wordplay column? Or suggest a Wordwit puzzle? Then fire away. Your comments and ideas may well be part of a future website piece, puzzle or column – unless you state otherwise, or request to remain anon, of course.
As a speaker I've inspired kids, festivals & execs with crossword classes, book talks, wordplay games & lateral thinking exercises. Inquire here.
PS: if you aspire to be a future compiler, then let me encourage you to get involved with the site’s many games and contests, and strut your verbal stuff. Best way to prove your props, believe me.
I try to respond to all email, when possible, but sometimes life's great juggling act can delay or derail best plans. More the point - thanks for dropping by. Cheers DA