Bodywork [BB439]
1 December, 2013
We respire (breathe) and expectorate (spit) every day. (And if that last truth sounds gross, then how do you clean your teeth without a good splat?)
By that anatomical logic, we regularly observe these 12 bodily functions below. As a vocab test, how many do you recognise? And can you supply the lay names to most of them?
- lachrymation
- eructation
- nictation
- horripilation
- sternutation
- osculation
- borborygmus
- micturition
- oscitation
- onychophagia
- epistaxis
- singultus
[What other fancy terms can be clarified with lay names?]
BB438 SOLUTION: Beck, Brandy, Dido, Jewel, Madonna, Meatloaf, Moby, Pink, Prince, Seal, Sting, Usher
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