Directions Finding
6 April, 2012
Our two-direction Storm went 134 directions last week, or that’s the post tally we racked up, a record for this blog I believe. So thanks for such an inventive frenzy – and the pleasant burden of naming our Kings & Queens of the Compass.
Given the scale, and the quality of ideas, I thought it best to split the end-game into two podiums, or podia if you’re feeling Hellenic. The first recognises some whip-smart manipulations, while the second is all about the coolness of the clue. That done, I will single the Stormer to master both. Here goes:
Bronze: Cheap Wine & a Three-Day Flight? = GOON GO O/S [Em splices Chisel with KLM cattle class, with class.]
Silver: Unpredictable cyclone? = WILLY-NILLY WILLY-WILLY [Boniface blasts the landscape with a remarkable tweak.]
Gold: Gnarly sound, this Arabian = WEATHERED SEA (THE RED) [Even for Mauve to weather his own musing to find this marvel. It’s an ancient wonder.]
Tied Bronze: ‘80s cover band = Sham Wham! [Neat as a pin, Sam, but funnier than a pin.]
Tied Bronze: Penn pen = SEAN SWAN [Who knew there was a homophone hiding in this compass challenge? JD is who.]
Silver: One Storm is as good as another! = EQUALLY SQUALLY [Soon as I read Lucasta’s clue, I was hellbent to get the answer. It’s provocative, apposite, vernacular – with a glorious payoff.]
Gold: “Wake up, Jeff. Wake up, Jeff. Wake up, Jeff. Wake up, Jeff….” = NIGGLE WIGGLE [Perhaps I dipped my cards early, but I adore SK’s original angle, shot with humour, and downright timely, if you know what I mean…]
For a clever, conspiratorial clue, with a wicked answer, the crown alights on Lucasta’s pate for this piece of business:
Fixes quidditch match? = SWITCHES SNITCHES
Funny, elegant and worth a fuss. Congratz Lucasta, and all medallists. (Or maybe you saw the entries otherwise?) One thing is sure: this direction Storm off the map. Bad luck if you missed the cut – with RobT’s NICKED WICKED (scored musical) only needing a shortlist, and newbie Floyd is warmll encouraged to read the rulebook to make kosher mayhem next time. Personally I’m elated with such fine results slated.
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