Gnome Moaners II [BB476]
7 September, 2014
If YACHT mimics YOT, then ‘child’s sailboat’ might by TOY YOT. Keeping with phonetic spelling, can you mix the made-over (more logical) version to create the other word?
(From memory, this puzzle was derived from a Friday Folly a year back – but how good is your memory?! Some of these are very tuff.)
- Vampire symbol (4,4)
- Fed wildcat (5,5)
- Releases ball (5,5)
- Upstairs defect (4,4)
- Smuggler’s ab (5,5)
- Black Forest cake (6,6)
- Get harsh? (6,6)
- Ignores plan (6,6)
- Astronaut crusades (8,8)
BB475 SOLUTION: Toy yot, tan nat, fine nife, bom mob, skool looks, depo dope, glee leeg, solem moles
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