It's All Geek To Me
8 March, 2013
Guess what? Today’s Age (as PRS has rightly noted) carries the DA crossword. Has the universe realigned? Have the tectonic plates budged? It’s a fine thing, and I can only hope that the twitch is preserved into a fixity. Amen.
Another piece of news – all be it belated – is a great Geekathon on 702ABC this morning with Adam Spencer. To win a copy of Puzzles & Words, listeners had to sprinkle a pinch of geek powder onto a phrase or proverb. Not the whole phrase, as that would result in complete opacity, but nerdy enough to recognise the reno. Here’s a selection of the best:
A watched pot never achieves 376.16 Kelvin (Greg)
As different as calcium carbonate and cheese (Paul)
Many pentadactyl forelimbs make light work (Alice)
Money makes the world rotate on its polar axis
A bird in the hand is worth 10 in the bush (base two)
Crepuscular diffraction, a shepherd’s delight.
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