Night Thing
2 February, 2016
This week's Storm is a two-tier challenge - with a handsome prize attached. The first is clue-based, while the second is something of a dictionary quest. Let me spell it out:
Challenge 1 - Pick two anagrams - NIGHT & THING, or PLATITUDES & STIPULATED, and dream up two clues, neither creation relying on the anagram formula. For example:
CRATE - $100 price for box
TRACE - Suspicion remains?
Challenge 2 is trickier, on a related theme: Can you find TWO pairs of anagrams that rhyme with each other? CAT/ACT & PAT/APT is close, but imprecise. REMAIN/MARINE & VAINER/RAVINE is likewise nearby. I'm sure some pure couplings exist - but who can find the best?
So there's your double-whammy Storm, with the winner the player to excel in BOTH categories. (And being a battle of wits, you can win a brilliant hardback volume of trench lingo - Roger, Sausage & Whippet.)
Please use an alias for the contest (combining anagram words to make a code-name). And last up - very important - ensure you submit your best effort in both categories as a closing post before Thursday 7pm. (You can't expect me to trawl the entire forum to find your own treasures.) Though I'm looking forward to the treasure you unearth!
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