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Orienteering [BB311]

22 May, 2011

You won’t get lost today, since every answer holds GPS from left to right. Peek, say, is GLIMPSE, while signatures are AUTOGRAPHS. Sounds simple enough, right? But so does a trip to the local shops until the council installed that new roundabout on High Street, not to mention the lock-up gates on the peak-hour rat-run. Time to punch in the coordinates and arrive at your multiple destinations. Safe motoring.

  1. Stares in wonder
  2. Collingwood
  3. Nomad
  4. Vegetables
  5. Flower
  6. Rumour sources
  7. Africans
  8. Pacific islands
  9. Fence sitters
  10. Chiefs
  11. Dabs
  12. Navigational aid – that’s NOT a GPS!
  13. Two musical instruments

Any more ‘navigational’ words?

BB310 SOLUTION: Eiffel Tower, British Empire, hidden image, game show, armoire, Central American, user-generated, not any longer

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Rewording The Brain

Focus & memory, lateral leaps & logic - every aspect of cognitive health is lit in Rewording The Brain, a book revelling in how puzzles boost your brain. Part 2 equips your brain to conquer any twisty clue, plus the wild crossword finale. Pop science meets neural gameplay, Rewording is rewarding, and out now.


Rewording The Brain

Care to renew your noodle? Rewording The Brain explores the latest neural studies, seeing how puzzles (and twisty clues) boost your neurons. Part 2 helps you crack such clues, and prep the grey matter for the crossword showcase to finish. More here

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101 Weird Words (and 3 Fakes)

From Ambidextrous to Zugwang, this mini-dictionary teems with rare or alluring words, plus bonus riddles, puzzles and fun word-facts. Dictionary detective will also nab the collection's three fakes. Ideal for late primary schoolers, or word-nuts in general.

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Gargantuan Book of Words

Sneeze words. Fake pasta. Viking slang. Gargantuan is a jumbo jumble of puzzles & games, mazes & quizzes, tailor-made for that wordy wonderkid in your life. Or anyone in love with letters, secret codes, puns, rhymes, emoji & all things languagey. More here 

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Riddledom Rave

If you missed my riddle chat with Richard Fidler, then feel free to slurp the podcast at http://ab.co/1I9t1x5

Text-speak is creeping into Scrabble. Where do you sit?
OBVS I'm fine with it
Entrenched stuff - like LOL and OMG - but no more.
Words With Friends, maybe. Scrabble, no
Let the 'real' dictionaries decide first
Just the handy stuff, like FAQ and EUW
I mean, WTF?! No way
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