Post-It Note
15 June, 2012
Eurozone is doomed to fail, says comedian Dave Thornton. Think about it – 17 different housemates sharing the one bank account. The Greek guy is the bong-smoker who splurges on hangover souvlaki, while Germany is restumping the house, needing to flog another Volkswagen to meet the rent.
Dave hosted five other comics at The Corner Hotel – the who’s who of ha-ha – and went dangerously close to stealing the show. Tom Gleason gleefully scratched the veneer of showbiz, and Pete Helliar made a good point about a female, atheist, de-facto ranga being a traditionalist. But Thornton had me won with his typeface brainwave.
His idea has legs. The Interweb Authority People should screen everyone’s personality, and allocate a different typeface accordingly. That way, when you see Times Roman sanserif, “you know Stephen Hawking is dropping truth bombs”. And when you see Wingding, Kim Kardashian is online.
Check out more Dave here, and feel free to speculate on who owns what font in cyberspace. Noosa dole bludgers could claim Baskerville, Octo-Mom gets Myriad Bold, while Queen Elizabeth scores Perpetua.
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