Puzzles, posts, news and general word-chat.

Diabolically Arcane

Bingo. You’ve reached David Astle dot com, a carnival of words, puzzles and more words. Welcome aboard, and have fun.

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Radio & Lingo

18 January, 2016

All this week I'll be hosting the arvo shift on 774ABC Melbourne, nestled between 1 and 3. If you get a chance, tune in, and you may catch Sue Butler of the Macquarie Dictionary, or the grrl power behind Linguistics Roadshow, or a sports psychologist, or a Brazilian clown doctor, or a pub-trivia champ, or a therapist trained in helping cancer patients refind their voice.... and loads more. Should be a packed week.

Meanwhile, to offer a fresh Storm idea, treat yourselves to these succulent morsels of modern office slang. (The stuff of this week's Wordplay column.) If you'd like to explore more, try Matthew Irwin's Ridiculous Business Jargon Dictionary. Meanwhile, savour these: 

BOILING THE OCEAN - Attempting to do something with too broad a scope

CHAINSAW CONSULTANTOne hired to do the dirty work at lay-off time

COMPLIMENT SANDWICH - criticism delivered between two compliments 

DECEPTIONIST - receptionist who delays or block potential visitors

DECRUIT - fire

DRINK FROM THE FIREHOSEto be overwhelmed with information

MEERKATTING - peeking over one's office cubicle

PHONE SHUI - adjusting your phone to find a signal.

PHOTOX - Improving one's face in a using photo editing software.

ROLLING THE TORTOISE - Increasing resources to fast-track a slow project.

STEALTH PARENTING - Running errands for your kids after telling your boss that you have a business obligation

TWO COMMA - Anything that costs over $1,000,000

VULTURE CAPITALIST - Investors who helps to liquidate the remaining assets of failed companies

Wreck chaos with the coinages - wordplay & definition. And catch some airwaves if you can. (You may even decipher the secret theme of songs...)

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Rewording The Brain

Focus & memory, lateral leaps & logic - every aspect of cognitive health is lit in Rewording The Brain, a book revelling in how puzzles boost your brain. Part 2 equips your brain to conquer any twisty clue, plus the wild crossword finale. Pop science meets neural gameplay, Rewording is rewarding, and out now.


Rewording The Brain

Care to renew your noodle? Rewording The Brain explores the latest neural studies, seeing how puzzles (and twisty clues) boost your neurons. Part 2 helps you crack such clues, and prep the grey matter for the crossword showcase to finish. More here

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101 Weird Words (and 3 Fakes)

From Ambidextrous to Zugwang, this mini-dictionary teems with rare or alluring words, plus bonus riddles, puzzles and fun word-facts. Dictionary detective will also nab the collection's three fakes. Ideal for late primary schoolers, or word-nuts in general.

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Gargantuan Book of Words

Sneeze words. Fake pasta. Viking slang. Gargantuan is a jumbo jumble of puzzles & games, mazes & quizzes, tailor-made for that wordy wonderkid in your life. Or anyone in love with letters, secret codes, puns, rhymes, emoji & all things languagey. More here 

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Riddledom Rave

If you missed my riddle chat with Richard Fidler, then feel free to slurp the podcast at http://ab.co/1I9t1x5

Text-speak is creeping into Scrabble. Where do you sit?
OBVS I'm fine with it
Entrenched stuff - like LOL and OMG - but no more.
Words With Friends, maybe. Scrabble, no
Let the 'real' dictionaries decide first
Just the handy stuff, like FAQ and EUW
I mean, WTF?! No way
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