Tent City [BB434]
27 October, 2013
If a powerful camper pitches a POTENT, or a regular scout dozes in a CONSISTENT, what ‘tents’ appeal to these twelve types?
(And if you conquer the jamboree, is there a different sort -tent you can invent? Feel free to add an annex, with clue, name and byline.)
- Inventor (6)
- Fortune-teller (7)
- Glum bum (10)
- Hair-shirt wearer (8)
- Criminal (10)
- Accidental one (11)
- Mean one? (6)
- Nagger (9)
- Pauper (10)
- Bungler (11)
- Drop bear? (11)
- Under-lier? (6)
BB433 SOLUTION: Ethernet (ten/three), fortune (ten/four) and teething (eight/ten). Allowing duplication, froufrou (four/four) is a fourth. Other words are possible.
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