USisms [BB522]
6 September, 2015
More than a few spelling shifts exist between here and America, from DIALOG [sic] to FLAVOR. So then, to become its US counterpart, what word needs to swap:
1. its central U for an O;
2. its only vowel, E, for an A;
3. its QUE for CK;
4. its C, at second position, for a K?
5. swap its closing UGH for a W;
6. drop its central UGH altogether;
7. swap its UGH for an F;
8. swap its PH for an F;
9. drop its final E altogether?
BB521 SOLUTION: Hot water, water diviner, waterboard (or Chinese water torture), make your mouth water, pour cold water on, fish out of water, gripe water, hold water, of the first water, water closet, come hell or high water, like oil and water. (Other phrases could fit.)
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